Henle FYL Lessons 1-24 Quizzes & Tests

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Henle FYL Lessons 1-24 Quizzes & Tests


This is a packet of Quizzes over each lesson (or two), and Tests over each Unit, from Units 1 through 6, which are Lessons 1 through 24.

The quizzes/tests may be copied for use in your own homeschool classroom. Answer Keys are provided. The quizzes are thorough; you may opt to mark a particular section as a "bonus" section. 

Please Note:  Only the first quiz Key is scored with points. I did that as a guide for you, but you may have a different and better way of scoring for your students.

If ordered alone, this product ships first class mail.  Select Media Mail at checkout for correct pricing.  You can download a sample quiz in the Bonus Materials section of the website.

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