Suggested Syllabus for Year One of Henle's First Year Latin

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First Year Syllabus (2).jpg

Suggested Syllabus for Year One of Henle's First Year Latin


I make these Syllabi available with one caveat.  This syllabus moves along at a steady, rather challenging pace.  There is absolutely no reason one must complete all 24 lessons outlined in this syllabus in one year.  In my own experience of teaching,  I can honestly say I have never had two classes end at the same place.  We begin with this syllabus, but when I sense that students are struggling to understand or master a concept, we slow way down until we're on solid footing again, and then move forward.  Those concepts causing the trouble are often the same from year to year; the Passive Voice (Lessons 17-21), the Subjunctive Mood (Lesson 22 forward), and Relative Clauses (Lesson 24).  Wherever the struggle may be, it is worth the extra time and effort to master the material before proceeding, since Latin grammar is cumulative in  nature.

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